Posted Mon, 25 Jun 2018 17:39:57 GMT by Nathan French ComDoc Systems Analyst

I don't know if this is a new behavior or if it has always been this way ... 

  1. Some documents in a workflow are assigned to a role "My Role" and enter a task.
  2. A user "New Guy" is created and added to My Role.
  3. Some more documents are assigned to My Role and enter a task.
  4. New Guy can see only see those tasks which were created AFTER his user was added to My Role

I just want to get clarification if this is normal behavior or if I should open a ticket for this to be investigated.  A relevant note: this customer has recently updated to 6.12 from a much earlier version (I'm not sure which earlier version) which might have behaved differently.

Thanks Much!

Posted Mon, 25 Jun 2018 17:47:40 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

When a workflow instance is created (by triggering with a document) all of the rights existing at the time of the instance being created are gathered and recorded. So any changes made to the underlying roles will not be recognized until a new workflow instance is created.
These types of changes cannot be retrospective.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Mon, 25 Jun 2018 17:52:35 GMT by Nathan French ComDoc Systems Analyst

Phil I appreciate your confirmation of my understanding of how this works.  I'll pass this along.  Thank you.

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