Posted Thu, 23 Jan 2020 14:53:05 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there
Hey all,

We have a user who has access to search a file cabinet, read-only, and only for documents where they meet a certain criteria (I set up Profiles) to match certain conditions and then give rights to those Profiles). This all works fine (once I remember to also give access to the Search and Result dialogs.  *smile*)

I am now being asked to give this user a document tray and the ability to store documents to the same file cabinet. I can give her access to the Store dialog, but since she has read-only access to the file cabinet, she cannot change any indexes, and therefore cannot save (since some fields are required entry).

My question is this: Do I have to give Edit permission to anyone who needs to Store documents to a file cabinet? It certainly makes sense if that is the case, since storing a document is a write/edit operation, I just wasn't sure.

Joe Kaufman
Posted Thu, 23 Jan 2020 15:04:20 GMT by Craig Heintz SE
Not sure what version you are on.  I have been able to accomplish something like that with this with a custom profile set like this in v7.1
This user can store only and not search or view docs.  It might give you a clue if you are on an older version.
Posted Thu, 23 Jan 2020 15:18:39 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there

Sorry, we are on 6.11, on premise.

Do note that this user needs to be able to store documents, and then also be able to read just certain documents, preferably without needing to turn on edit permissions. I could let the user store and simply turn off search and result dialogs, but I can't -- she needs those.

I will review your document and see if something springs to mind! Appreciate it!

Joe Kaufman
Posted Thu, 23 Jan 2020 15:59:53 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there

After looking at your document, yeah, I see where I could create a custom profile with much more granularity!

As it turns out, I have been told the person who needs access to store documents will also need to be able to edit those documents, as long as they stay in the category the user has search capability on. So, I won't need to get more granular with editing capabilities, but it is good to know it is still there in the web interface of 6.11.

Appreciate the point in the right direction!

Joe Kaufman

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