Posted Thu, 11 Oct 2018 16:22:20 GMT by Jon Weston File IT Solutions Sr Application Developer and RIM specialist

Quick question about one of the new features in Workflow Manager in DW7.  The "What's New" PDF says: "If there is an error in an automatic decision when completing a task, the workflow designer receives a task with a description of the error and appropriate decision options".  Can you give some more detail regarding "if there is an error in an automatic decision when completing a task"?  Does this mean that if DW encounters an error when attempting, for example, a Condition task or an Assign Data task, it will trigger this new feature?  The upgraded workflows I'm looking at still have the Error ouptut for those kinds of tasks.

Posted Thu, 11 Oct 2018 17:11:53 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

The only change that I am aware of in regard to error notifications is that previously if the workflow encountered an error then the Controller of the workflow would be notified. The problem with that is the Controller was not neccesarily the right person to be notified since it is the Designer of the workflow who is in the best position to decide what is the best thing to do.
I do not believe that there is any change to the normal error branching that is already in place and available.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Thu, 11 Oct 2018 17:44:38 GMT by Jon Weston File IT Solutions Sr Application Developer and RIM specialist

ah, that makes sense.  And now the designer gets a bona fide task as well.  Nice.  Thanks, Phil.

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