Posted 2 years ago by Daryl Foxhoven
Why does Local Data Connector stop working when there is a Desktop App Update??  This is very problematic in that we have many clients using Workflows where information is obtained in the Workflow via the Local Data Connector AND is used to trigger AIX Jobs OR other Workflows.  When this stops working, it really creates an issue b/c you can't just Update Desktop Apps and have the Workflow continue on.  This is turning out to not be a viable solution b/c of the amount of downtime, troubleshooting, and "re-entering" of information due to the Connector not working.  Is there a way that the Updates can automatically be applied b/c no one has time or money to sit and watch Desktop Apps to see when an Update is available.
Posted 2 years ago by Craig Heintz SE
You can set a windows task to run a silent update on a schedule
  • KBA-36543
Posted 2 years ago by Guido Wieland WIeland Document Solutions & Services GmbH DMS Solution Engineer
Hi there, pretty much same issue here. With most of our customers being hooked up with Docuware Cloud, we likewise do not proactively monitor their local (server) setup serving the Desktop Apps functionalities. Accordingly we usually only get to know when LDC stops working whenever some Autoindex and/or Workflow synced data does not reflect in customers' Docuware. And like in Daryl's case, particular LDC outages always seem to coincides with pending (intermediate) Desktop App updates.<br> <br> While running silent update as suggested by Craig could be a way to go in case of a major 7.x update (requiring to get the particular installer preped on the respective system), this would be pretty much of an overkill in case of some pending minor 7.x.x.xxxxx update.<br> <br> Until the issue has been taken care by Docuware, since LDC does provide logging details (in %ProgramData%\DocuWare\Logs) we are currently contemplating some sort of proactive monitoring of respective logs and related entries in the servers' eventlogs, hopefully putting us in a position to react ahead of any customer troubles/complaints.<br> <br> For the time being, any other suggestions how this matter could be addressed with the least possible effort for us as and disruption of customer?

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