Posted Tue, 18 Sep 2018 18:50:01 GMT by Jon Neff Kelley Imaging Solutions Engineer

Hi folks:

What's your recommendation for maximum document size?

Based on speed or likelyhood of breaking the process?

How about 7000 pages?

Posted Tue, 18 Sep 2018 20:58:06 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Cloud or On-Premise?
7000 pages is one thing but how many MB are these?

Initial upload and storage, then fulltext indexing, it will take quite some time.

For viewing each page has to be rendered to a PNG. Not so bad if just paging through.

My opinion? Probably going to cause issues. What file is 7000 pages that a user could read? Are these technical manuals, or copies of War and Peace?



Phil Robson
Senior Director Supoort Americas


Posted Wed, 19 Sep 2018 14:35:13 GMT by Jon Neff Kelley Imaging Solutions Engineer

Mostly bundles of patient records. Pages are scanned B/W at 300. MB range, probably. They need all the pages, so they will all eventually wait for Fulltext, anyway.

I understand that folks create 20,000+ page PDF's for other purposes. I'm not worried about final PDF size as much as DWScan processing the scan/stitching together the PDF in the first place.

(Interesting potential for DW, storing collections of entire novels...)

Posted Fri, 21 Sep 2018 08:07:34 GMT by Stefan Kinitz Datatronic Software AG DSC

If you upload the records in several pieces you can put them together in the DocuWare basket later.

If you try to upload too many pages at once you get problems with the local ocr and/or upload running into a timeout (max. 2 mins or sth.).

To change the timeout you need to edit several config-files at every computer using the DocuWare Scan App and at the DocuWare server and only DW-Support knows the details. :/

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