Posted Thu, 06 Jun 2019 20:36:37 GMT by Seth Jaco Support Specialist
Is there a way, through the API, that we can make a request to view a file that is stored in DocuWare? (Not logging into DocuWare just pull up the viewer, we would log in using an account through the API) We would have the index data of the file we need to view as well. I thought there used to be an example of this on the Platform examples but I cannot view those anymore.
Posted Thu, 06 Jun 2019 20:47:49 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there

You would just use the API to download the file, then open it in Windows (the file extension would let Windows know what to open in). In C#, you just use Process.Start(<filename>) to open a file in its related application.

If you also want to see the indexes, you would have to build an interface for that. As you access the Document object, that gets you the indexes, and then you can download the document itself via its download link.

Here is the general Platform SDK documentation now:

and here is the .NET example of downloading a file:

If you want to view a document without bringing DocuWare up in a browser yourself, you can use URL Integration.

Joe Kaufman
Posted Thu, 06 Jun 2019 20:59:26 GMT by Seth Jaco Support Specialist
Thanks Joe! I was wondering if we would just need to download the file and have them view it in its native viewer. I was hoping we could kind of keep it locked to the DocuWare viewer. This way we wouldn't need to take a license though.
Posted Thu, 06 Jun 2019 21:06:26 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there

Exactly right. You can download what you need and write as elaborate a client you want to view indexes and documents. It just takes work to write that client...

If you really kinda sorta want to use the DocuWare viewer, why aren't you just using URL Integration?

Joe Kaufman
Posted Thu, 06 Jun 2019 21:07:41 GMT by Seth Jaco Support Specialist
We offered that but for the clients that are going to use the viewer t hey didn't want to have them log into DocuWare when the viewer window popped up.
Posted Thu, 06 Jun 2019 21:51:00 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there

Well, someone is still going to need to log into DocuWare to use the Platform service. And, technically speaking, each user should be logging in to view the files they need, otherwise they could do an end-run around security. Licensing should be kosher because concurrent licenses will be used even if you use the same platform username from multiple workstations, and if you are on named users it does't really matter anyway because you've paid for it.

But the permissions issue is a real one. If your Platform SDK code reveals documents that a user shouldn't have access to there is no way of knowing they are viewing a document from a file cabinet they aren't supposed to see. Logging them in with their own username via URL integration (or the Platform SDK) makes sure permissions are being honored for their specific credentials.

To put it another way, beware "system" usernames that have access to everything, as you can introduce all sorts of problems usually taken care of by roles in DocuWare.

Joe Kaufman


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