Hey all,
I am starting to develop a file cabinet for our packaging group, sort of like what the Rawlings company did and showed off in that DocuWare marketing video (http://info.docuware.com/free-webinar-rawlings).
The first set of files I am uploading are PDF files that are considered the "print version" or "final print" images. These images are not stored as JPG, TIFF, or PNG, but as PDFs. The packaging supervisor says these PDFs have the text "stripped out of them" to keep the files pure for print usage. I am not sure about the details on that, but it sounded like standard practice which our print vendors dictate (or at least appreciate).
When I uploaded these PDFs to the new cabinet I created (which has full text turned on). nothing got recognized as a fulltext keyword. I changed the OCR file list to a "black" list, keeping out only audio and video files. Though, I did notice that PDF files were not specifically in the list of file types to white- or black- list.
When I convert the PDF files to PNG and upload those, full text finds everything inside and I can search the documents as if they had been scanned in. Works beautifully.
But we need that to work with PDFs. Can DocuWare not fulltext OCR these PDF files that are "image only"? This will be pretty sad if we cannot, as it was one of the biggest reasons I was pushing for this for people (and it was a big selling point in the Rawlings business case scenario).
Let me know what can be done. Greatly appreciated!
Joe Kaufman