Posted Thu, 30 Aug 2018 14:09:38 GMT by Gilles Sauvagnat Altexence


DocuWare Windows Explorer Client, so called WEC does not seem to be compatible with RO platform.

I.e the desktop connection used by WEC does not care if the connection has been done from a full Web client or a RO Web client.

That's weird as the folder view in the Web client follow the rule. RO Web Client, RO folder access.

Is there anyway to change such behavior, I mean to get a RO WEC when the user is supposed to get RO access ?

Thanks in advance for your answers

Best regads

Gilles Sauvagnat

Altexence CEO

Posted Thu, 30 Aug 2018 15:39:40 GMT by Josef Zayats


read Juan's comments within the chain below. Your ptoblem is that even if you make Desktop connection from RO website, since you have a regular Platform services installation, the dektop connection is made to RW site - which is default. You need to have another server with IIS and 2nd instance Web Client Platform services installed (does not require additional server license, though with Docuware7 this might be no longer true) - and on this instance make RO as a default - as described in Juan's Post. Now, if you direct your clietnt browser to this website and Connect the Desktop Apps, the APPS such as SmartConnect, WEC and C2O search will be using RO license. Please note, that in order to use WEC to store documents or C2O store (and also Docuware Printer and Import, but thee do not consume a license when connected to default Platform website), you'd need to have anothere desktop connection created to your 1st Platform site and have it switched by user in order to use it.

Posted Thu, 30 Aug 2018 16:04:31 GMT by Gilles Sauvagnat Altexence

Hi Josef,

Thanks for your input. Yes I know the post as I added some comment/question not so long ago.-:) 

I hoped (dreamed ?) some other simplier way to deal with WEC and RO licence.

It means, one has to be very careful when designing (and saling) a solution with RO licences.

This is not that straightforward with the current mechanism.

The good news is that it possible to setup something, Bad news it adds costs.



Posted Thu, 30 Aug 2018 16:42:29 GMT by Josef Zayats


to me the new folders option (since 6.11) is a better alternative to WEC. In your case - with RO desktop apps connection - even more so, no?

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