Posted Thu, 18 Jan 2018 09:32:14 GMT by Jelmar Centen Engineer


Does anyone know how I can create a field in DocuWare 6.12 and not automatically have it added(visible) in every dialog in the file cabinet?

Because I have about 50 diaglogs and the field only needs to be visible in the Standard Dialog.

Posted Tue, 23 Jan 2018 14:21:30 GMT by Christopher Ure Software Support Analyst


Unfortunately there is currently no way to change the dafault addition of new fields in all dialogs: you will need to manually remove them. If you'd like to see this as a configurable option, please submit a feature request at

Christopher Ure

Software Support Specialist

Support Team GREEN - Americas

Posted Thu, 02 Aug 2018 13:23:00 GMT by Tobias Getz DocuWare GmbH Team Leader Product Management

Hi Jelmar,

in older versions we had some complaints that new fields are not added to any dialogs, so we decided the other way round. It seemed that this was also not the correct way to treat new fields, so this was addressed in DocuWare version 7. New created fields are only added to the standard dialogs. You can add them manually to all other dialogs if you wish. 


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