Posted Fri, 07 Dec 2018 21:42:15 GMT by Michael Weingand Professional Services Manager

HI Folks,

I created a Folder dialog and I am using a Store Dialog specifically to have the correct fields.  I have the Document date field in the database set to Predefined as Modification date.  When I drag my files in to the folder it imports with todays date not the modification date.  When I open the document and look at the bottom, the date is still the correct modification date, not todays date.  Am I missing something?????

Thanks for any help you can give.  My client is calling this a big deal!!!

Posted Fri, 07 Dec 2018 22:43:02 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Well let's look at what you say:

"I have the Document date field in the database set to Predefined as Modification date. "

"When I drag my files in to the folder it imports with todays date not the modification date."

"When I open the document and look at the bottom, the date is still the correct modification date, not todays date." 

So, what is the question? You say you want the modification date, but then say you want todays' date

Sorry, but  I do not understand this at all. It seems to me that it does what you want.


Phil Robson

Senior Director Support Americas




Posted Fri, 07 Dec 2018 23:45:23 GMT by Michael Weingand Professional Services Manager

Sorry if I confussed.  When saving the document the date that is being saved is not the modification date that shows on the document in the reader pane and is the actual file modification date, but as you can see in the Document date field in the store dialog, it shows todays date. See screen shot. As you can see from my database field setup in the post before, I did choose Modification date, which when looking and the properties of the file shows the date as 10/07/2016.

Posted Sat, 08 Dec 2018 11:31:00 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas


Ok, now I understand. The Modification Date is a DocuWare system field. It is modified whenever a document's index entries are modified. It is not the file modification date.
So when you import the document, the modification date is the date of the day you import it, and the date of any index entry changes subsequently made.
I just looked at Import configurations and with DocuWare 7 and probably 6.12 you can select the File Creation Date or the File Modification Date as an index field when importing. So, you will need to use Import and not drag & drop to the tray.

Also, that property will be read only once during Import. If the file is editted after storing in to DocuWare it will not update the field.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

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