Posted Tue, 04 Dec 2018 15:17:08 GMT by Hameed Ogbara - left 05.2022 Technical Support

Hello House,

How can I download documents from the file cabinet. Downloading one after the other is not helping matters.


Posted Tue, 04 Dec 2018 15:32:39 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


Are you saying you want to overcome the 100-document-view limit so you can select more documetns at once and download as a ZIP file?

If so, you can use Folders to help with this. If you set up a folder into a file cabinet (make the criteria something that grabs the documents you want), a folder will display everything it matches to (up to 10,000 documents). Then you can highlight all the documents you want and pull them all down at once. Not sure how great performance is going to be downloading more than 100 documents at a time, but a Folder view allows you to see more documents at once.

The other option would be to use the Platform SDK and download documents via a separate integration.

Hope this helps!



Joe Kaufman


Posted Tue, 04 Dec 2018 16:43:00 GMT by Casey Miller Director of Technical Services

Hameed, a really easy way that I have found is to use the URL Integrator Tool. I just select download from the option list instead of viewer and put in my sql query for what documents I want.

Posted Tue, 04 Dec 2018 16:47:00 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


Is that effective for hundreds of documents? Or can you do multiple documents that way? In other words, can you do a very wide query and have it download hundreds of docs at once? Smart enough to put them in a zip file? That is a cool trick, and a great use of URL integration!

EDIT: I keep getting errors on my query, even something that should return everything like:


Though, it does still download the first document in the search results. How are you able to download multiple documents at once using this methodology? How can you force multiple documents into a ZIP file the way the web client would download them?



Joe Kaufman

Posted Tue, 04 Dec 2018 17:00:50 GMT by Casey Miller Director of Technical Services

Yes, you can just do a query on a field or multiple fields and the link will download whatever that query meets into a zip file

Posted Tue, 04 Dec 2018 17:07:43 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


I am afraid it is not working for me.  :\   I get query errors and the result is a single. downloaded file that is the first to meet the criteria.

Can you provide a screenshot of your query, one that will download multiple documents at once? I am on 6.11, so maybe that is the problem...



Joe Kaufman

Posted Tue, 04 Dec 2018 17:17:46 GMT by Tim Ohm


It could be the result dialog you're using has the option set to display first document immediately?  Even if you choose the file cabinet option in URL integrator, the FC still has a default result list...

Posted Tue, 04 Dec 2018 17:30:54 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


The result list is not set to display first, though I did make the error go away by making the "Source" a result list instead of a File Cabinet.

But it is still only downloading the first document it finds that meets the criteria. 

I assume a "Download Type" of "Download" is appropriate ("Plugin" is also an option)? I cannot get the Download integration type working for multiple files no matter what I try.

But, as I said, going with the reult list gets rid of the File Cabinet direct query error, so thanks for that!



Joe Kaufman

Posted Tue, 04 Dec 2018 19:05:39 GMT by Casey Miller Director of Technical Services

do you have passphrase setup and using integrated credentials?

Posted Tue, 04 Dec 2018 19:12:00 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


No, should I need that? I am using Windows integration, and I get logged in fine. 

If I run the integration in Result List mode, I get all documents according to the query. "Display first one" is not turned on.

If I run the integration as the Viewer, the first matching document (only) is displayed in the viewer.

If I run the integration in Download mode, the first found document for the search is downloaded.

There is no scenario I can generate where multiple documents download as a ZIP file, and I am receiving no authentication or query errors. I am on 6.11. What version of DocuWare is working correctly for you?

EDIT: I thought versioning might have something to do with it, but I have now tried this on versioned and non-versioned cabinets -- still cannot get multiple files to download as a ZIP file in DocuWare 6.11 (on-premise).



Joe Kaufman

Posted Tue, 04 Dec 2018 20:18:57 GMT by Casey Miller Director of Technical Services

what query are you using?

Posted Tue, 04 Dec 2018 20:34:00 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


I have used many different queries, most recently:


to get all Fixed Asset documents having an Asset ID starting with "P". I have also used:


which should return everything for the file cabinet.

As I said, the queries work, and they return multiple documents in the result list integration. So, it isn;t that I am just always returning a single document. It is clearly downloading lust the first document of multiples, instead of combining them all into a ZIP file.

What version of DW are you on?



Joe Kaufman

Posted Wed, 05 Dec 2018 13:11:59 GMT by Casey Miller Director of Technical Services

We are using version 7. But, I seem to be running into the same issue. I did this a while back when using version 6.5 and it worked fine. Seems something has changed since. I am getting the same outcome as you...

Posted Fri, 07 Dec 2018 17:42:56 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


I have posted a more direct question on this topic, complete with my URL Integration creator screenshots, so hopefully someone will tell us what's what. Maybe it has been un-featured for a while now.



Joe Kaufman

Posted Mon, 10 Dec 2018 13:39:00 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there

Hey all,

Looks like this is a no-go, and I doubt asking for a feature request will go anywhere (but other folks are welcome to try that if they want!). Here is Phil's response from the other thread where I asked about using URL integration to download multiple documents:


After looking in to the behavior, I have this information.
By design, there are 4 URL integration types that will only return 1 document:

Document History
Info Dialog

The product team investigated the possibility of downloading multiple documents in versions 6.0, 6.5, 6.7, and 6.10 and it was not possible.
Further investigiation revealed that there does not appear to be much call for this functionality. So if it is required then it will need to be registered as a feature request.


So, I guess using the Platform Service or using Folders would be the only way to pull down more than 100 documents at once. Going deeper into that, the URL created by the web client for downloading multiple selected documents is sort of interesting. When you download multiple files, it does it via something like this:


where the "append" parameter is just a comma-delimited list of document IDs. The problem is, if that list gets too long, the download fails with a 404 error. I was able to get up to 200 or 300 documents at once using the Folder idea, but that fails as well once the list gets too long. Perhaps that is part of the architectural limitation DocuWare ran into, making them ditch the whole idea.

Casey, do you recall the largest number of documents you ever downloaded with a URL Integration zip file? It might just be a URL length limitation -- looks like any URLs over 2,000 characters are frowned upon even though the HTTP standard does not provide a hard limit...

In summary, if you want to download more than a few hundred documents at once, the Folder idea won't work, either. That leaves the Platform Service.



Joe Kaufman

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