Posted Fri, 05 Jan 2018 21:15:52 GMT by Jon Weston File IT Solutions Sr Application Developer and RIM specialist

Is there a way of viewing index entries in DocuWare Mobile?  We have a client that's using Mobile for their tasks and being able to view the index entries would help them in their decision-making.  At this point they can only see two of the index entries when they view their tasks, and even doing a regular search only exposes a few of the fields - it looks like the ones that you see when you switch the web client to index cards view.

Posted Thu, 18 Jan 2018 07:17:10 GMT by Mathias Schroll Solution Engineer

Hello Jon,

have a look at the attached screenshot of the result list of DocuWare mobile app. When clicking the symbol in the red rectangle the info dialog will we shown and you can read or edit idex data. The area to the left or right will open the document.

Mathias Schroll

Sr. Software Support Specialist Team BLUE EMEA

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