Posted Thu, 04 Jan 2018 15:18:50 GMT by Kim Anthony Luna


A potential client of ours is particularly concerned with how files within DocuWare are backed up. I understand that if they are using MySQL as their DocuWare database, it can be backed up using MySQL Workbench. DocuWare Admin also has a migration/backup wizard that can be used. 

But their main concern is how to access these files outside DocuWare. If they decide to stop using DocuWare one day, will they still be able to access all their files and related incides?

Thank you. 

Posted Thu, 04 Jan 2018 16:23:35 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

DocuWare does not perform any backup of data. The only backup withing DocuWare is a dump of the DocuWare System Settings - Users/Groups/File Cabinet schemas etc.
The customer data - documents - must be backed up via MySQL tools as you indicate, and the documents in the file system maust be backed up by whatever technologies they wish to use for backing up file systems.

Phil Robson
Senior Director Support - Americas

Posted Fri, 05 Jan 2018 21:19:00 GMT by Michael Ceresia Sales and Support Consultant

If you have a client that one day may think about no longer supporting a DW Server you could always use the Request File Cabinet to make a permanent offline storage of their documents. There are limitations to it however. No new storage ect limited user access ect.

Posted Sun, 07 Jan 2018 14:37:11 GMT by Kim Anthony Luna

Hi Phil,

Thanks for the response. So DocuWare does not have any tools to back up documents stored within the file cabinet?

Can you give an example of a technology they may use? I'm not sure I understand how it will integrate with the DocuWare system.


Posted Sun, 07 Jan 2018 14:38:31 GMT by Kim Anthony Luna

Thanks Michael! I'll look into that. Didn't know there were significant limitations to it. 

Posted Wed, 10 Jan 2018 15:44:32 GMT by Kim Anthony Luna

Hi Phil,

The concern of the client stems mostly on how to retrieve their documents one day if they decide to stop using DocuWare and switch to a different DMS.

While the indices can be migrated via MySQL tools, I do not have a clear idea as to how it will match up with a specific document outside DocuWare. 

Thank you for your insights.

Posted Wed, 10 Jan 2018 16:04:00 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

A description of the DocuWare architecture can be found in the Whitepaper. Log in to the Partner Portal and select Document Pool. You can then download the White Paper - System Architecture.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support - Americas

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