Posted Tue, 02 Jan 2018 14:51:08 GMT by David Barlet Technical Manager


I would like to clip document in specific order by programming (to add a new document to an existing one, but the new one has to be displayed first).

With Merge document function we can merge two document, but the order of document provided to the function specify the document which is left (the first one), and the others are deleted (as they are added/merged to the first one). Example:

- MergeDocuments(Doc1, Doc2) -> I will get the new Doc1 document with in first position the former Doc1 and in the second position Doc2. (Doc 2 is deleted)

- MergeDocument (Doc2, Doc1) -> I will get the new Doc2 document with in first position the former Doc2 and in the secod position Doc1

If I do manually the operation of clip document within the WebClient I can specify the files orders


My purpose it's to merge document Doc 1 with Doc 2 (it's means to keep Doc1 and delete Doc2) but to have Doc2 in first position and Doc1 in second position.

So my question: is it possible to specify file order when we merge document or to rearrange files order?


Thanks in advance for all goods ideas

Best regards,


Posted Fri, 05 Jan 2018 06:52:00 GMT by Mathias Schroll Solution Engineer

Hello David,

please have a look here:

There you see different properties like:

 DocumentsInFront or DocumentsAtBack


Mathias Schroll

Sr. Software Support Specialist Team BLUE EMEA

Posted Fri, 19 Jan 2018 07:48:32 GMT by David Barlet Technical Manager

Hi Mathias,

Thank you for your answer and idea. This function is applied on existing document clip (and it's to ordering document) or is it to apply to two document and clip them in specific order, because today i'v got an error message on this function.

Best regards,


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