
Is it possible to use DocuWare Request as a backup solution?

Since DocuWare Version 6.7 it is possible to import DocuWare Request files again.
Please note that only DocuWare Request files created with the DocuWare Version 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7 can be imported. Also it is only possible to import DocuWare Request files which were created in original format (Converted to PDF files cannot be imported).

You need a FTP or UNC path for the import of the DocuWare Request files to the file cabinet which you set up in the DocuWare Administration under DocuWare System and storage locations. Afterwards you copy the DocuWare Request files in .zip format to the storage location to be able to import the files (Therefore the DocuWare Request files are available for the import to the file cabinet).
Then you navigate to the Web Client configuraiton and select the menu DocuWare Request. By default the DocuWare Exporter is displayed. Select the button for the DocuWare Importer in the right top corner (see screenshot down below).

Select the DocuWare Importer view

Afterwards create a new configuration for the file cabinet in which it should be imported and assign the belonging UNC or FTP storage location. Then you are able to access the DocuWare Request files for the import to the file cabinet in the right window (see screenshot down below). After selecting the file cabinet configuration and the DocuWare Request files which should be imported you can start the import to the file cabinet by pressing the button "Start import".


Import of DocuWare Request files to the file cabinet

Please note that in further consequence it can happen that the DocuWare Exporter uses the UNC / FTP storage location of the DocuWare Importer!