
What can be used when setting up a query for URL Creator/URL Integration? 

Simple and complex queries can be set up in URL Integration. The overall structure of the queries follows this format below:

[The database name of a field] <Any number of whitespaces> <relational operators> <Any number of whitespaces> "<Search criteria for the field type of the DocuWare field>"

An example of a database field name would be; 
[COMPANY_NAME] = "Peters Engineering"
Note: In addition, the field name needs to be as it is in the database; they are also case-sensitive.
If not sure how to obtain the database name for an index field, refer to the following; 

Depending on the data types we search on, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration. 

When searching on numeric fields, the query will work the same as it would for letters. For example, [INVOICE_NUMBER] = "12345"

For searches containing a date, the date information must be entered in a non-language-specific format, "YYYY-MM-DD", so that the query will always work correctly. For example, [DUE_DATE] = "2021-04-21"

When queries contain one or more quotation marks, a backslash must be placed in front of the quotation mark.
This will remove the meta-meaning of the quotation marks. An example of this would be, [SUBJECT] = "So-called \" Web 2.0 \""

Possible relational operators include: <=, >=, <, >, =, and LIKE
The LIKE operator is only valid for text fields. If the LIKE operator is used, the search criterion must contain at least one *

Possible logical operators include: AND, OR, NOT.
There must always be at least one space before and after each logical operator. This also applies to LIKE.

Setting up Complex Queries:
To set up a Complex Query, you would specify the fields you want to search by and include the necessary logical operators to put it all together. 
An example would be; 

[COMPANY] = "Phone Wizard" AND [DEPARTMENT] = "Accounting" AND [STATUS] = "to be approved"

KBA is applicable for both On-premise and Cloud systems.