
Autoindex jobs fail to load when accessing the Autoindex configuration page. There is a spinning circle with the following error shown at the top-right corner of the web page,

"An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'ProcessesController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor."

This error has occurred due to an incorrect value set within the dwmachine.config file. To resolve this behavior, we must ensure that the LocalWebServices value in the dwmachine.config file is set correctly.

1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\DocuWare\ServerConfig and make a copy of the dwmachine.config file for backup purposes.

2. Open the original file and make sure it is not missing the Local Web Services path: 

  <Setting Key="LocalWebServices" Value="http://hostnameofserver/DocuWare/" Encrypted="false" />

Ensure that the "Encrypted" value is set to "false"

NOTE: Please restart DocuWare Services and IISRESET for changes to take effect

KBA is applicable to On-premise Organizations Only.