• Good point, as I am still

    Good point, as I am still trying to get my head around configuration in general. I quite like the desktop tools and tend to have trouble finding things in the web interface (and it feels a little more sluggish even though we are on-premise against a monster server).

    I might wait for 6.13 when some things at least get refined in the web client based on some of the feedback (like yours) that started when 6.12 was released to the cloud.



    Joe Kaufman

  • OK, I might have to seriously

    OK, I might have to seriously consider upgrading from 6.11 to 6.12, just not really sure how to go about it (I have never installed any updates or hotfixes, and I am not the network infrastructure person at my company).

    Any advice on the best way to approach an upgrade? Is it something I should just open a support ticket for? My main issue is that we obviously can't do it during any times I am here, as that is when the system is live. Just afraid of what would happen if the upgrade gets botched and the system stops working. That's why we only upgrade systems if we really need something fixed or some new feature (everything else we custom build, so upgrades wre continual).



    Joe Kaufman

  • Even Import Configurations?

    Even Import Configurations? That looks like it would have been a bear to convert to pure HTML5...



    Joe Kaufman

  • Except the parts that are

    Except the parts that are still Silverlight.  :P

    (Not sure how much of that is left in 6.12 -- I am still on 6.11).



    Joe Kaufman


  • Not the behavior I am seeing for =


    The "=" operator is not working for me the way you are describing it. It appears to be an exact match sort of thing.

    I tried a search expression on a text field: "*Z*" (no equals sign) and got 4400 documents returned.

    I put an equals sign in front and got zero documents back. It did not matter whether or not I had a space between the equals sign and the expression.

    Changed the equals sign to a ">" (greater than) and got the whole cabinet back (well, the 30,000 document search maximum I have set up).

    Like I said, the "=" seems to enforce an exact match, and does not honor wildcards. I am not sure if it treats the asterisk as a literal asterisk in that case or what.

    I am running 6.11 on-premise.



    Joe Kaufman

  • Didn't even know about those operators!


    First off, thanks for turning me on to these operators -- had no idea you could even do that!

    I assume you are referring to searching on a string (text) field, because dates and numeric values already use a range.

    I am betting you are simply forgetting to uppercase your AND. Keywords like AND, OR, and NOT always need to be capitalized. I just did a test on a search for an index using the expression:

    <= "Y" AND >= "S"

    and I got all the documents where that field started with S, T, U, V, W, X, and X. (no "Y" values because any string starting with "Y" that wasn't exactly "Y" wouldn't make it in). So it looks like it works, and you can use "<=" and ">=" in addition to =, <, and >.

    Looks like you can even use wildcards in the expressions to create even more powerful searches!

    Hope this helps!



    Joe Kaufman

  • Seth, you are welcome.

    Seth, you are welcome.

    If I have found you on LinkedIn (Kentucky?), let me know and I will drop you a line tehr about getting you my more in-depth search document.



  • Seth,


    Do not forget that those keywords need to be uppercased, and for EMPTY() and NONEMPTY() the parentheses are required, too.

    See this other forum thread for a discussion on some of the finer points of searching.


    I wrote a really nice document on it for our folks, but I cannot upload non-image files here, otherwise I would share it with you. You can do some pretty great stuff with wildcards and built-in search keywords.



    Joe Kaufman


  • Thanks

    Thanks, Phil. Good to know. Hm, almost wish that "auto" setting were like the version setting -- set it once and that is all you can ever do. I guess if one understands the behavior, it could be useful to toggle it...



    Joe Kaufman

  • "Automatically create new versions" setting

    Hey all,

    I am just testing out versions, so I made a test cabinet use versioning. I also checked the "Automatically create new versions" setting to true. At that point I could still edit documents from the viewer, and things worked as I expected.

    I then turned off "Automatically create new versions", and played with the check-in/check-out functionality. Once again, things worked as I anticipated.

    Just now I turned "Automatically create new versions"  back ON, and then totally exited DocuWare and got back in. But when I look at a document in this cabinet, I still see check-in/check-out options and the ability to edit the document is greyed out. To change it I would still need to check it out to a document tray, modify it, then check it back in.

    Shouldn't things go back to letting me edit the document from the viewer and auto-fill the new version info?

    This is not a big deal, as I don't think we'll be using versions, but I want to understand what is going on here...

    (We are 6.11 on premise.)

    EDIT: If I view a document that is still on version 1.0, I CAN edit the document. The one I cannot is on version 5.0, Does that mean that if any manual versions are created, one can never go back to automatic versioning for any document that is of a non-original version?


    Joe Kaufman

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