Hi Carlos,
a simple way is to use the
IIS HTTP Redirect feature. When enabled you can configure the redirect in IIS Manager.
Alternatively you can manually create/modify the web.config file in the root directory of the website (e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot) with following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<httpRedirect enabled="true" destination="/DocuWare" childOnly="true" />
Viele Grüße / With best regards,
Gerardo Lisanti
Team Leader Product Management | DocuWare GmbH
Hallo Patrick,
die Indexierung von Datumsfeldern wurde vor Kurzem optimiert, wobei insbesondere die Erkennung von Tag und Monat, bei der Auswertung von Datumswerten, wie zum Beispiel das US-Format (MM-TT-JJJJ) und das britische Format (TT-MM-JJJJ), verbessert wurde.
Intelligent Indexing lernt nun, welches Datumsformat für welches Dokument korrekt ist.
Daher sollte sich das Problem von selbst lösen, sobald für Dokumente desselben Absenders 3-4 korrekte Indexierungen durchgeführt werden.
Viele Grüße / With best regards,
Gerardo Lisanti
Team Leader Product Management | DocuWare GmbH
Hi Sylvia,
lege in der DocuWare Konfiguration unter Text- und Barcode-Erkennung eine neue Barcode-Konfiguration mit folgenden Einstellungen an:
- Qualität: Hohe Genauigkeit
- Barcode-Typen: Code 39
- in den erweiterten Einstellungen (unter Mehr Optionen) folgende Eigenschaft hinzufügen:
- Eigenschaft:
- Wert:
Speichere diese Konfiguration und wähle sie anschließend in der Dokumentverarbeitungs-Konfiguration auf dem Reiter "Quelle" > Mehr Optionen > "Benutzerspezifische Barcode-Konfiguration verwenden" aus.
Der Barcode sollte nun erkannt werden.
Viele Grüße / With best regards,
Gerardo Lisanti
Team Leader Product Management | DocuWare GmbH
Hi César,
you could enable the automatic log out feature, which will log out the user once he is inactive for a specific period of time.
You'll find these settings in Configuration > "Organization Settings" > Tab "Security" > "Session timeout" > "Automatic log out"
Viele Grüße / With best regards,
Gerardo Lisanti
Team Leader Product Management | DocuWare GmbH
Hallo Nico, hallo Simon,
ich habe ein wenig recherchiert. Mit
diesem Regex scheint es zu klappen:
[0-9]{1,5}[/ \- 0-9 a-z A-Z]*
Damit sollte man ab version 7.9 im Workflow mithilfe der neuen Regex Funktionen die Hausnummer herausfiltern können.
Ich nutze dafür Regex.Match():
Regex.Match(DW_ADRESSE,"[0-9]{1,5}[/ \- 0-9 a-z A-Z]*",false,false,true)
Um die Straße zu erhalten nutze ich Regex.Replace(), um die zuvor identifizierte Hausnummer aus dem String mit "" zu ersetzen:
Die Testergebnisse sehen vielversprechend aus:
Straße des 17. Juni 106-108
Straße des 17. Juni
Straße des 17. Juni 12/c
Stuttgarter Strasse 22 - 24 A
22 - 24 A
Stuttgarter Strasse
Hauptstraße 22-1
Blümchenweg 3
Viele Grüße / With best regards,
Gerardo Lisanti
Team Leader Product Management | DocuWare GmbH
Hi Jagan,
you need to assign all remaining items to keyword "Checklist" again. As Simon mentioned you can use the Filter() function in an aritmetic expression, to remove specific items. In other words you get the current content of keyword "Checklist", remove the value "Payment" and write the remaining items back to the keyword field.
The syntax should look like this: Filter(DW_CHECKLIST,"Payment",false)
For the condition you can user Count() to check the remaining items in the "Checklist" and send it back to the user, if it is not 0:
The syntax should look like this: Count(DW_CHECKLIST)=0
Viele Grüße / With best regards,
Gerardo Lisanti
Team Leader Product Management | DocuWare GmbH
Hi Noham,
currently the only option I see to achieve what you've described is to do logical tests using iif() and have them nested, like this:
CBOOL at the beginning is needed to convert the outputs 0 = false or 1 = true.
With DocuWare version 7.9 (autumn 2023) you will be able to check the contents of a list variable (keyword), index field of type keyword or an index table column using a LINQ function. With this you can check if the list contains one or multiple values, or even compare 2 lists.
GV_CODES: { "1", "2", "3", "4" }
Returns: true
Viele Grüße / With best regards,
Gerardo Lisanti
Team Leader Product Management | DocuWare GmbH
Hi Chema,
please make sure that you pass the Content-Type: application/vnd.docuware.platform.createorganizationuser+json
in the HTTP header.
Only then the POST request is considered a "Create User" request.
With Content-Type: application/json
the system tries to update an existing user, where the user's GUID is required.
Viele Grüße / With best regards,
Gerardo Lisanti
Team Leader Product Management | DocuWare GmbH
<p>Hi Filippo,</p>
<p>to achieve this, you can use the "Arithmetic Expressions" by specifying the table column of an index table. This will return a list of the values of each row in that column. However, if the target is an index field that can hold only one value, you must specify an index (starting at 0) to return only the value of a particular row.</p>
You have a table "Line Items" with 2 columns, ID and GL Code:<br>
<table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 style="width:500px;">
<td>GL Code</td>
With the expression <code>DW_LINE_ITEMS[LINE_GL_CODE][0]</code> you get the value "<strong>000-4000</strong>", because index 0 is applied and the value of the first line is returned. Whereas with the expression <code>DW_LINE_ITEMS[LINE_GL_CODE][1]</code> index 1 is applied and the value of the second line is returned: "<strong>000-5000</strong>".</p>
<div>Gerardo Lisanti<br>
Team Leader Product Management  |  DocuWare GmbH</div>
Hi Vorawooth,<br>
you are almost there. The DatePart() function returns a Variant (Integer). That means you can write the returned value to a field/variable of type "numeric" in DocuWare Workflows.<br>
I suppose you are trying to write to a field/variable of type "text". For this you need to convert the returned value to a string using CStr().<br>
So the expression looks like this: <code>CStr(DatePart("ww", GV_Date1))</code><br>
Viele Grüße / With best regards,<br>
Gerardo Lisanti<br>
Product Manager  |  DocuWare GmbH