You suspect that problems with storing and editing documents are caused by deadlocks in the database. How can you Set up MSSQL Database DeadLock Logging?
Please refer to the following guide to configure MSSQL Database Deadlock logging;
1. Open SQL Server Profiler and select File > New Trace. Name your Trace, then select Save to file. Once completed, select the location you want to save the trace log to:
2. Select the Events Selection tab. Check the box for "Show all events". Under the Event Column, expand Locks, then check off Deadlock graph and Lock:Deadlock:
3. Run the tool after setting up the above parameters and replicate the process that is causing deadlocks. Once you receive deadlocks, you can open a support request and upload the logging data to the case's test data for review by DocuWare Technical Support.
Note: Many Database Deadlocks are caused by external Triggers. External triggers are not supported by DocuWare. The DocuWare Support will ask you to deactivate them.
KBA is applicable to On-premise Organizations ONLY.