
How can I find a document's storage location path?

You can attain a document's storage location path by doing the following:

  1.  First, we'll need to make sure we know the file cabinet's database table name. Get this information by navigating to the File Cabinets plugin, opening the file cabinet in question, then clicking More options from the General tab.

  2.  Access to the Administrative information of the file cabinet, which will display the name of the file cabinet's database table.

  3. Now go into your MySQL Database that is used for DocuWare and expand Schemas >dwdata, then search for the file cabinet table name followed by _SEC;

  4. Run a SELECT statement on the file cabinet _SEC table (Select * From dwdata.accounting_sec). This will display the contents of the entire table, which includes the "Location" column. This column refers to the document storage location path. You'll need to know the document's DOCID to identify it in this table.

  5. Follow that path on the drive where the storage location exists to obtain the document.

    For systems that utilize an MSSQL database, please see; How to Find a Document's Storage Location Path (MSSQL)

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