How do I gather logs for storageRobot? 
The log files for storageRobot are found in this path %localappdata%\StorageRobot\. Each configuration will have its subfolder. Please name these files accordingly if requested by DocuWare Support.
Additionally, the log4net.config (located at C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare\StorageRobot\log4net.config) can be used to customize the logging behavior. This can be useful for simple adjustments, such as the number of log files being collected, the maximum size of each log, or when the configuration reviews large datasets. Before altering the file, create a backup of the log4net.config, stop running storageRobot processes and administration, verify if you have any scheduled tasks running, and stop the Observer Service. Once completed, proceed in altering the file as needed. 
Changing the maximum size and number of log files:
Find the following section in the file:
< maxSizeRollBackups  value = "5" /> 
< maximumFileSize  value = "1MB" />

Increasing the value for "maxSizeRollBackups" from "5" to "10" would increase the number of log files present simultaneously per configuration.
Increasing the value for "maximumFileSize" from "1MB" to "5MB" would increase the size of a log file to 5 megabytes.

Changing of the log level:
By default, logging is always done in DEBUG mode. To log significantly less information, this mode can be changed to INFO. Locate the following section in the file to change the log level:

< root >
  < level  value = "DEBUG" /> 
  < appender-ref  ref = "RollingFileAppender" /> 
  < appender-ref  ref = "ColoredConsoleAppender" /> 
</ root >

While this log level can be change, DocuWare Support requires debug logging as this provides the most information. Nonetheless, the following log level options are available;

ERROR (All errors that occurred)
WARN (Warning messages regarding possible problems)
INFO (Informative messages that provide a basic overview)
DEBUG (All messages)

KBA is applicable to both Cloud & On-premises Organizations.