Publicado Fri, 07 May 2021 19:46:27 GMT por Marc Elkin Creative Director
I  want to pass a URL string to Docuware from an internal system i created. Iw ant to pass an exact job number that is saved as a folder in docuware. whats the string to call up that folder with all its elements in it? Thank you ahead of time.
Publicado Fri, 14 May 2021 19:46:27 GMT por Matthias Wieland DocuWare Europe GmbH Sr. Director Support EMEA
Dear Marc Elkin! It looks like the Community cannot answer your question. That's why we have opened a Support Request with the Number SR-150216-B1D9G for you. A Software Support Specialist will contact you directly to follow up. We will update this thread with the solution as soon as we have resolved the Support Request. With best regards, DocuWare Support Team
Publicado Mon, 14 Jun 2021 17:27:31 GMT por Matthew Trembly Software Support Manager
Which DocuWare version?

This URL queries an asset number where


is base64 encoded [ASSET] = "803599"

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