Publicado Fri, 09 Mar 2018 08:52:04 GMT por Benoit Vassart ASC

I need within an approval workflow to wait for an index change done by an external application (Erp). 

I was wondering if using a loop on a "condition" object was a good practice, specially on performance. (see printscreen)

I will have permanently hundreds of documents waiting on the Index change and I was wondering how Docuware will handle this. 

An another way is to create a new workflow based on index change, but in our case, I prefer to have only one workflow. (for technical and business reasons)


Kind Regards,


Publicado Fri, 09 Mar 2018 10:03:58 GMT por

Hi Benoit,


i don´t think that the way shown in the screenshot would be good for performance and other things.

When it is ok, then try it with an task for the waiting on erp an set the due date on 1 Day.

You have to set an decision but no one will use it, so everyday there is a new check for the erp data.

If the 24 hours are to long, u have to do it with a new workflow how u mentioned it.

Kind regards


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