
Error Message in the Event Logfile, when you try to print with a shared printer directly into a DocuWare file cabinet.
Eventinformationen: [NTTiffmaker] store document \\servername\DW5Basekt\DOCU0010: Error preparing Storage (0,5)
Eventinformationen: [NTTiffmaker] store document \\servername\DW5Basekt\DOCU0001: Error by storing documents (2147483650).

Enter a User, Password and Domain here with which TIFFMAKER can access a physical printer.

Assign Write Rights for the Group Everyone and Group Users for the share folder e.g. \\servername\DW5Basekt\ and to the path C:\windows\temp when you use a shared Tiffmaker.

The next step is to assign for everyone in the WMI Service rights:

If it is a shared printer, the Windows user printing to the shared TIFFMAKER has not all needed rights on the sharing machine.

  • To give all Windows user the needed right, you have to go to:
    Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer
    Management-> Services and Applications -> WMI Control -> Properties -> Tab "Security" -> Root -> CIMV2 -> Button Security
    Here you have to give the user "everyone" the right "Remote Enable".
  • Please restart the printer spooler after the changes
    stop spooler
    Net start spooler

When using Tiffmaker Control commands this error can be caused by a wrong file cabinet ID in the command, too.

Disable the "bidirectional"-setting, which may prevent the further printing on a physical device:

TIFFMAKER Configuration with Network Tab2

Please disable the option “enable bidirectional support”, if it´s available. (This point only regarding the latest printer versions. Otherwise this option is greyed out!)