
Archived documents in a workflow process are often changed and updated. This can affect the document itself or the index data. It is advisable to monitor these changes carefully.
Who did the last access to an archived document?
When was the last change made to an important document?
Why can't a particular document be found in the file cabinet anymore?

These and other questions can be answered by the DocuWare logging agents. In DocuWare Administration, you can enable logging on three different levels: in the system, in the organization and in file cabinets.


Logging messages with detailed information about the selected entry.
The file cabinet logging can be configured below the organization node in the file cabinet area. The file cabinet logging consists of two components: Logging Agents and the Logging Destinations.

Create new logging destination

When creating the logging destination, you specify where the log is written to: a text file, a XML file or a database. Each type of target has advantages and disadvantages. A text file can be easily shipped, an XML file can be evaluated using an XML viewer, and in a table in a database you can quickly search and filter. Please note that selecting a logging destination requires an existing data connection in the system.

We now use this new logging target in a new logging Agent:

Logging Ziel einrichten

Creating a logging target in database Format

Create new logging Agent
In the logging agent, you specify which information is interesting for you and should therefore be logged. The information is divided into two areas: the administrative Events

(for example in the archive, a new field is created) and the run-time events (e.g. a new document is stored in the archive).
In the third dialog (Runtime Objects) it can be defined which file cabinet operations (access, storing, index changes) should be written to the logging destination. If we only need the index changes, for example, the setting should look like this (the first checkbox has to be activated, as there is a bug here):

Runtime Objects dialog - only log index changes.
In the fourth step (Runtime Information) the information that should be monitored can be selected. For example user name and DOCID.

Wer ändert Was Wo

Dialog Runtime Information
Important Note: In the last wizard dialog, you specify the users whose actions should be logged. Disable here the user for which logging should be activated.

Which user should monitored

Usage dialog – logging is activated for each user with unchecked box.
Logging of document requests

Once you have set up a logging agent for the run-time events of a file cabinet, this agent starts automatically, and write the document accesses from that moment to the configured logging destination. With the help of DocuWare Administration it is possible to read the content of a logging destination. To do this, click on the node "Logging" below the node "Options" of the particular file cabinet and you will get an overview of the existing agent logging and logging destinations.

Open the target with your information on the button in the table view. In the logging viewer you can see all the information about the selected log entry by clicking on the button "Show details". In addition, you can sort and filter the log entries on the arrows next to the column name in the Logging Viewer. How to recognize, for example, in the screenshot above that the document with the DOCID 523 was modified on 12/11/2008 at 11:07:34 by Mrs. Jenkins by attaching annotations.

Do you want to pass the log information for analysis? Use the logging viewer the opportunity to write about the Export button, the currently displayed log information to an XML file. By clicking on the button "Export All" you copy the entire log to a XML file.

In the case of a database, you can create a backup and send it.