

How do I set up new select lists?


The entries for a Select List can be taken from already existing data.
There are two options for setting this up.:

  • For a Fixed Select List, DocuWare Server will retain the entire list in its own storage. Access to the list is then fast, but changes to the original data will not be reflected unless the Select List is manually updated.
  • With an External Select List, the Server directly accesses an original data source. Opening this kind of list may take a bit longer, but it will always contain the most current, original information.
  • When using a "DocuWare Setting"- Select List you can select predefined lists provided by the DocuWare System like "Users" or "Groups". They are fast and consist of DocuWare internal data. (Might not be avaliable for all versions).

So if you plan on never or rarely changing the entries in a Select List, it’s best to use the Fixed option. For lists that always need updating, the external option is the way to go. There are a couple of different ways to set up Select Lists in DocuWare. You may choose to access Microsoft SQL-Server, MySQL and Oracle databases - directly sourcing a table and column or gather up the information you need by using an SQL command instead.

You may also transfer entries for a Select List with a text file that contains fixed field lengths or delimiters. If you aren’t using an existing data source, you can also enter data manually into Fixed Select List.

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Setting up Select Lists in DocuWare Administration

Step 1: Setting Up a Select List
Open DocuWare Administration. In its tree structure look for the section with the Name of the Organization / General / Select lists and choose the command New Select List from the context menu. Enter a name for the new list, choose your list type and define the data source for the entries or enter the information manually.

Step 2: Assign Select List to File Cabinet Field
Now the Select List must be assigned to a specific field in a file cabinet’s index. Go to the file cabinet’s tree structure, find the field you need and click the checkbox for adding a New Select List.

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Assigning a Select List to a specific index field

Step 3: Integrating Select Lists in Search/Store Dialogs
Use the tree structure for the search dialogs and define a Select List for your chosen field. This step must be taken for all search/store dialogs as well as Result List/Infoboxes – anywhere that you plan on having the new Select List available. Since search/store dialogs are assigned to users via profiles, these may also be used to make different Select Lists available to users as well.
More information about this topic can be found in our technical reference, tecdoc, in the section on Tips & Tricks or on

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Integrating a Select List in a search dialog