
ClickOnce apps are hidden deep under \Document and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Application Data\CompanyName\ApplicationName_StrongName\ApplicationVersion\...

If you want to remove a ClickOnce application like Smart Connect, you should use Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.  Sometimes this method does not work and  the message “Application cannot be started” is displayed.

In this case, you can run the following from the command line
Mage.exe –cc

This will clear the application cache on that machine. The mage.exe utility comes with .NET Framework SDK…  Beware:  it will clear the entire application cache, not only for the failing application!

Due to the fact that the .NET tool "mage.exe" might not be installed on some machines you can alternatively use the following command from the command prompt for the same operation:
"rundll32 dfshim CleanOnlineAppCache"