
How to schdule Heavy Fulltext Operations?

The upgrade of the fulltext information after an upgrade to a newer DocuWare version or the reindexing of the complete fulltext of a file cabinet can consume a lot of resources and performance on systems with big file cabinets or on less powerful machines.

This may affect the daily work of the users.
With DocuWare version 6.5 a scheduling is introduced to define PAUSE times for the fulltext upgrade or reindexing.
All documents, which are stored in these pause times are not affected and will still be processed, as these pause times only concern the fulltext upgrade or fulltext reindex process.

To schedule these pause times, the DWContentServer.exe.settings has to be adapted.
The existing part  <TaskOptions Task="ProcessFCContent"…  has to be expanded like this (create a backup of the original file first!):

<TaskOptions Task="ProcessFCContent" Limit="1" TaskPriority="4" MaxFailCount="-1">
     <DaySchedule dayOfTheWeek="Monday">
           <PauseDefiner fromTime="08:00:00" toTime="20:00:00" />
     <DaySchedule dayOfTheWeek="Tuesday">
            <PauseDefiner fromTime="08:00:00" toTime="20:00:00" />
     <DaySchedule dayOfTheWeek="Wednesday">
             <PauseDefiner fromTime="08:00:00" toTime="20:00:00" />
      <DaySchedule dayOfTheWeek="Thursday">
             <PauseDefiner fromTime="08:00:00" toTime="20:00:00" />
       <DaySchedule dayOfTheWeek="Friday">
              <PauseDefiner fromTime="08:00:00" toTime="12:00:00" />
              <PauseDefiner fromTime="16:00:00" toTime="20:00:00" />
       <DaySchedule dayOfTheWeek="Saturday">
       <DaySchedule dayOfTheWeek="Sunday">


In this sample, the pauses are defined for Monday to Thursday 8 am to 8 pm. The documents that need to be reindexed are processed at night.
For Friday, two pauses are defined. The times have to be set in the 24h format according to the time zone specified on the machine running the Content Server.