How can I set up basic authentication for the Fulltext Server?
Securing a Fulltext connection is not necessary in a DocuWare On-Premise installation since the server itself can and should be installed on a dedicated machine behind a firewall with access only from the Platform, Background Process Service and WEB Settings.
However, there is a possibility to do this:
  1. Locate the server.xml file from the Fulltext Server:

    C:\Program Files\DocuWare\Full-Text Server (x64)\conf 
    and add a new user with the corresponding role:


    <tomcat-users xmlns=""
                  xsi:schemaLocation=" tomcat-users.xsd"
        <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
        <user username="solr" password="solradmin" roles="manager-gui"/>

        <role rolename="solr-role"/>
        <user username="solr" password="solradmin" roles="solr-role"/>

    this will add a user "solr" with password "solradmin".

  2. Locate the tomcat-users.xml file:

    C:\Program Files\DocuWare\Full-Text Server (x64)\conf
    and add a new constraint and authentication method under “<security-constraint>“ element:

      <!-- This protects your admin interface and grants access to role admin -->
          <web-resource-name>Solr admin</web-resource-name>
      <realm-name>SOLR Realm</realm-name>

  3.  Restart the Fulltext server, edit the Fulltext data connection in DocuWare Administration tool by enabling Basic Authentication and setting  the user to “solr“ and password to “solradmin“..