thank you for your answers, I
thank you for your answers, I managed to operate this web service. The problem was the return of data that was not correct.
Web API Validation
Sorry for my English.
I am a beginner in programming, I tried to call a web service for the validation (see attachment) of the fields during storage in C #. I created a project "MVC Web Application" as on the link "http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/0c1bb2/creating-Asp-Net-web-api-....
From the browser or the "postman" extension, the web service is working properly. On the other hand since Docuware, I have a 400 error (bad request) that I can not correct.
Can you help me please?
my tests are on a virtual machine with a windows server 2016 and DW12