
Displayed Message:
A parameter is missing or invalid

No identifier (i) or GUID of a result list or a file cabinet has been specified. One of the following parameters is essential for a URL integration:

  • i (identifier)
  • rl (GUID of the result list)
  • fc (GUID of the file cabinet)
  • sed (GUID of the search dialog)

Displayed Message:
Invalid integration found with the ID '...'

No integration is found with the corresponding identifier.
Always specify the identifier for the parameter i within the integration. This can be found in Administration in the settings of the respective integration. Pay attention to upper and lower case when entering.


Displayed Message:
Errors when performing a subordinate request

Check the log in the error log directory. This can be found in the temporary directory of the Web instance. In most cases, conclusions on configuration errors are given by the corresponding log entry.


Displayed Message: 
Access to this page not permitted
Access denied to this page

The login data also supplied in the URL integration is incorrect.


Displayed Message: 
The GUID of the result list (or the search dialog) is invalid


  • The specified GUID of the result list or search dialog is incorrect.
  • The specified result list or search dialog is not published.
  • The DocuWare user in question has no permissions for the specified result list or search dialog.

Displayed Message:
Parser Exception

The search term could not be interpreted correctly.


  • that the syntax is correct [COLUMN NAME]="value".
  • that the search term or field name (column name) is correct.
  • that the query has been correctly coded with BASE64 using the UTF-8 character set.

Displayed Message: 
There is no row in database for Document

The document is not in the archive or in the specified task list.