Posted Tue, 01 May 2018 19:51:53 GMT by Ron VandenLangenBerg Applications Developer

We are having some difficulties with a versioned file cabinet.  We use the check out to file system so the user can edit and sign with a certified signature.  When siging the "save as" dialog comes up immediately after attaching the signature so we need the document in a known location so we can save the changes. 

We then pull the document into the inbox/storage tray.  When we go to check in the file, the version page comes up and allows you to increment the version number, but when you click the check in box the blue wheel showing that it is working continues to spin with nothing happening.  You can hit escape to leave the blue wheel, but then the document is still checked out.

How can we get the blue wheel to stop spinning and actually get the document checked back in?


Posted Wed, 02 May 2018 12:57:30 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

I think you need to open a Support Request for this behavior so we can investigate what is happening.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Fri, 11 May 2018 17:21:27 GMT by Ron VandenLangenBerg Applications Developer

Just wanted to update this question with resolution.  It might help someone else with the same problem.

I opened a Supprot Request for this.  The first user that wasn't able to download was becaue of a pop up blocker.  It stopped the "Save As" dialog box from showing up.  After allowing pop ups from doucware, the "save as" dialog popped up allowing user to download the file.  After this change, checking in the document also worked with no problem.

The other user that was having trouble was using Microsoft Edge for access to docuware.  Help technician suggested switching to Google Chrome.  Document checked in with no problem.

I find it strange that Silverlight will not work in Google Chrome (or FireFox) and Check in of versioned documents wouldn't work in Microsoft Edge.  That means user has to access differing internet applications depending on what they want to do in Docuware.  

Posted Tue, 18 Dec 2018 21:10:50 GMT by Ester Rodriguez Records Management Officer

How do I active the check in check out option?  I can seem to see it in the administration site to activate.

Posted Tue, 18 Dec 2018 21:12:40 GMT by Ester Rodriguez Records Management Officer

How do I active the check in-check out option in DocuWare for our users?

Posted Tue, 18 Dec 2018 21:18:16 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


Have you turned on versioning at the file cabinet level? That can be done in the web client by configuring a file cabinet.

Once you turn on versioning I do not believe it can be turned off without deleting the file cabinet entirely and re-building it.

Check in and check out will only appear for a file cabinet with that option checked.



Joe Kaufman

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