Posted 7 years ago by Bernie Svitko

Here's my problem. I created a Related Documents Link. It worked but was not giving me all the possible documents. I created a second one but it was not working. (It did not give me the link for Related Documents.) Thinking the first one was inteferring, I deleted it. The second link still did not show a related link. I deleted the second and recreated the first one that was working, but now it does not give me the related document link. Any suggestions? Version 6.12.

Posted 7 years ago by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


On 6.11 (so, using the DW Admin Desktop tool to create related document links), I once had an issue where it seemed like links took a while to show up. No matter how much I refreshed and applied, it took some time and then the link would appear right as I was about to call support.

How long have you been waiting? Have you tried bouncing the DW services on the server (if this is on-premise) or bouncing the whole server? Just to see if the links appear and so you know it is a caching/timing/event queue issue.

And, of course, have you checked the permissions for the result list the link generates? I do not think the links themselves have permissions (I do not see any at a glance, anyway), but I am not sure what happens if the user has access to the file cabinet but not the result list the link leads to.

When we have had things non-visible in the past, at least half the time it was because we had not granted proper permissions somewhere along the long line of things being used...



Joe Kaufman

Posted 7 years ago by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

If you are creating / altering the configuration in a different tab in the same browser, then after saving a configuration, on the web client tab press F5 to refresh the browser. If that does not work, close the browser completely and log back in. If that doesn't work then it is possible that the settings service has "lost track" of the changes. When possible, close your browser completely and perform an IISRESET on the server. Note that the reset will kill all client connections so only do that when the system is not being used.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted 7 years ago by Bernie Svitko

Tried everything mentioned before I left work and no luck. This morning, my original link is now working. Thanks for all your help. I do have another question. Can I have more than one related link for a file cabinet?

Posted 7 years ago by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


Did you even try rebooting the server entirely? And that still didn't bring the link back?

Yes, you can have multiple links. They display down the side of the viewer, and can each point to their own criteria and result list.  That is, if you can make them appear.  *smile*



Joe Kaufman

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