Publié Tue, 02 Aug 2022 18:24:45 GMT par David Moore Co-Contract Administrator
We need to enable fulltext support on an existing file cabinet. Current record count is 1.5 million single page documents (invoices). If we enable the option is it going to have an adverse effect on the performance of the system?  Any guess on how long it could take to index the cabinet? I wanted to check with the experts beforehand to play it safe.
Publié Wed, 10 Aug 2022 00:00:33 GMT par Matthias Wieland Senior Director Support EMEA
Dear David Moore! It looks like the Community cannot answer your question. That's why we have opened a Support Request with the Number SR-183314-N7R0Z for you. A Software Support Specialist will contact you directly to follow up. We will update this thread with the solution as soon as we have resolved the Support Request. With best regards, DocuWare Support Team

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