if I set up a task, I need the arguments. I cant find a way to save a backup project in workbench
I know how to execute manual backups. I need to set up daily automatic backups. The old administration tool had this feature. This is really an important best practice.
I'm running Docuware on server 2019. The old MySql gui tools application will not execute a backup without crashing the database service. I can successfully back up the database using workbench. I cant find a way to schedule a backup with this tool. I need to come up with a solution to back up my database daily. Anyone have any ideas?
Had a customer recently change the system admin password. We spent days chasing the consequences of this action. This admin user also owned all file cabinets, workflows and configurations. Is there any documentation that describes the configuration dependencies of the system admin?
We need to enable fulltext support on an existing file cabinet. Current record count is 1.5 million single page documents (invoices). If we enable the option is it going to have an adverse effect on the performance of the system? Any guess on how long it could take to index the cabinet? I wanted to check with the experts beforehand to play it safe.
We have aquired a customer with an on-premise system (7.2) We are currently proposing moving them to the cloud. Currently they report that about 2000 users are accessing the system sharing 128 concurrent licenses. My question: is there a way to determine how many users have logged on in a given time period? I would also need the names of the users and how often they occupied a license. I need this information so we can get an accurate account of who would need named licenses and to determine read only participants so we can provide an accurate quote. I was asked this question this morning 7/21 and need to get an answer pretty quickly. We are meeting with the client on Monday.
is Docuware still making virtual machine instances of applications for demonstrations. If yes, would it be ok to distribute to a customer to use for testing? Or can we create 30 day cloud demo accounts for them to use for testing. Thanks.
Jon, Do you have anymore ideas or could you possibly remote into my system and see if we can get this to work? Thanks.<br>
still cant get this working. I'm able to verify the doc ID is going to the GV I created at the beginning of the worklow. See screenshots <a href="https://sumnerone-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/p/dmoore/EuCqf6M7MtZBvR1XmxsbcEoB9J3p6rHOMXeO7vFV2-r79w?e=WGmbPf">LINK</a>
I'm not getting the DWTOTALPAGES written to the global variable. I placed an email in the workflow after the assign data activity to display the data of the global variable token. Not getting any data. I tested with system data and that data gets written to the global variable.<br>
I'm going to need to add the page count data to all documents in the cabinet.<br>
config <a href="https://sumnerone-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/p/dmoore/EuCqf6M7MtZBvR1XmxsbcEoBy6_-XtoP4Kce2l8F2knvzw?e=0bVvXq">screenshots</a><br>