Vues :

How to configure Intelligent Indexing when a proxy is used?

If the following users can pass the proxy, DocuWare is able to connect to the Intelligent Indexing web service.

  • Service user of Content Server
  • User of the application pool "DocuWare Platform Services App Pool" (resp. "Classic .NET AppPool DW")

To check if a connection to the Intelligent Indexing web service is possible, log on to Windows with the users listed above and try to connect to Intelligent Indexing URLs:

Proxy with user authentification:
In case the previously described steps did not solve the issue, a proxy using Windows authentication is used. This causes the message "No connection to Intelligent Indexing". to solve this problem apply follwoing changes: 

  • In file "...\DocuWare\Web\Platform\Web.config" (resp.  "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\DWWebClient\Web.config") add following lines at the end:
    Starting with DocuWare version 6.7 this change is not required anymore!
  • In file "...\DocuWare\Content Server\DWContentServer.exe.config" add following lines at the end:
        <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true"/>

If a document is indexed by Intelligent Indexing the first time, the Content Server connects to the Intelligent Indexing web service. If you store a document, also while reindexing a document the connection to Intelligent Indexing web service is performed by the application pool.
Starting with DocuWare 6.7 only Content Server is connecting to Intelligent Indexing web service.