• V7 Full Text Search with wild card


    Since V7 update using wild card characters such as * or ? returns a "Wrong condition. Not parsed string 'blabla*' for field 'DocuWareFulltext'

    Is it a feature, a bug, a user error ?



  • Intellingent Indexing


    Vous devez vous adresser à votre intégrateur DocuWare. Selon le type d'installation vous aurez ou non besoin d'un abonnement complémentaire Intelligent Indexing (ou le Intellingent Indexing OnPremise) , ensuite il suffit de paramétrer la fonction.

    Bien cordialement

    Gilles Sauvagnat - Altexence

    PS : pour la collectivité, il est hautement préférable d'écrire en anglais

  • WEC with Read-Only License

    Hi Josef,

    Thanks for your input. Yes I know the post as I added some comment/question not so long ago.-:) 

    I hoped (dreamed ?) some other simplier way to deal with WEC and RO licence.

    It means, one has to be very careful when designing (and saling) a solution with RO licences.

    This is not that straightforward with the current mechanism.

    The good news is that it possible to setup something, Bad news it adds costs.



  • WEC with Read-Only License


    DocuWare Windows Explorer Client, so called WEC does not seem to be compatible with RO platform.

    I.e the desktop connection used by WEC does not care if the connection has been done from a full Web client or a RO Web client.

    That's weird as the folder view in the Web client follow the rule. RO Web Client, RO folder access.

    Is there anyway to change such behavior, I mean to get a RO WEC when the user is supposed to get RO access ?

    Thanks in advance for your answers

    Best regads

    Gilles Sauvagnat

    Altexence CEO

  • Branding with DW V7

    Hi Casey,

    Thanks for your input 

    Yes I did that too, I even tried changing the browser, still the same result, weird

    At least I know it should work, looks like it is on my side. But I do have the same behavior on two different systems.

    I let you know ifI find something




  • Branding with DW V7


    Is there any change in the way the branding is designed with DW V7.

    With previous version I managed to get a custom logo on the web client when logging and in the upper left corner of the web client.

    With DW7, the logging windows is ok but I only managed to get rid of the original DocuWare logo in the web client.

    Nothing is displayed in the area but blank.

    Any change required for the image size, different format ? Missing parameter in the css ?

    Thanks for your help



  • Connect to Mail configuration


    With Connect To Outlook (at least in the recent version) it is now possible to discard attached files based on file extension and size

    That's great as Logo or other small attachment are of no interest when processing attached invoices for instance.

    I cannot find such functionnality in Connect To Mail. Is there any "hidden" key in C2Mail.settings ? or elsewhere?

    If not is there any plan to improve Connect To Mail ? When ?

    Thanks in advance 

    Best regards


  • License usage - admin user


    I need to reopen the post as the new license policy (named license) changes the way to handle administration/maintenance.

    I understand that using the configuration tools does not require a license, but once a modification is done one has to test it. Admin user is oftenly used to do so. It means that in the named license world the admin user needs a dedicated license.

    This was not the case in the concurrent license world. Consequence a user license has to be sold for maintenance purpose.

    Am I right ?

    Best regards


    Question : what's about Workflow designer using the Desktop authentification ? License needed ?

  • Docuware.Gapi


    We did that for one of our customer. The trick was to rewrite the GAPI code in SDK .NET to be compatible with the GAPI call to minimize the changes in their system (the one calling DocuWare).

    Not that easy because the logic is not the same but reachable.

    My advice is - as usual- to fully audit the existing system to find the potential difficult points. Build a test platform to be able to fully test the new development -

    Best regards


  • DocuWare Version 7 Upgrade Issues


    I had the same problem as well.

    By the way do not forget to install the latest version as it contains several important fixes.

    Keep in mind there is still a fix to come as the wildchar on a field is not (not anymore in the V7) set automatically even if the box is checked in the search dialog. One has to enter it manually. Should be fixed soon (I hope).

