投稿済み Thu, 06 Sep 2018 17:20:04 GMT 、投稿者 Keenan D

*****I'm not referring to DW not accepting a value in a select list only field that does not match the case of the value on the select list.  I've seen other threads on this, but that is not my issue.******

I'm reffering to the in field search for a select list value being case sensitive.  We have a vendor list of 13k names.  Users may only know part of the name.  Let's say the vendor name is BROOKLYN HEIGHTS PAINT.  My user may type *brooklyn. For the past 6 years this would bring up the vendor mentioned, they would select that value (not what they typed to search for the value, they would select the value that is displayed from the select list). 

However, I recently set up a new select list where typing *brooklyn to search for BROOKLYN does not work. When I inquired with DW, I'm being told the select list search was always case sensitive, even though it has never been for us in our experience. 

Can someone clarify?  The select list type for both the working select lists which are not case sensitive and the new one that only has a case sensitive lookup, is external.  There is no difference in the config. 

In the image below I am showing it working and not working.  

Version 6.12


投稿済み Thu, 06 Sep 2018 17:34:28 GMT 、投稿者 Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

I believe that the description in the support request was misunderstood. I read it as "I want my select list to be case sensitive" meaning when I type in "Brooklyn" it returns all records "Brooklyn" but no records "brooklyn". Generally speaking DocuWare is case INSENSITIVE. However, depending on the backend database (Oracle for example is case sensitive), or MySQL on Unix (a case sensitive OS), results can be different.

What is the source of your new select list? What database? Fixed entries? Flat file?
Also, why type in the asterisk first? You would only use the wild card at the start if the word you wanted was further in the string such as "Mrs Brooklyn".
I tested this myself in 6.12 after your request came in and it works fine. Please try the search without the leading wildcard and let me know the results.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

投稿済み Thu, 06 Sep 2018 18:02:00 GMT 、投稿者 Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

I found the reason. An Internal (default) select list allows the use of the leading asterisk. It must ignore it during processing. However! If you use the leading asterisk against an external list, it fails immediately. The solution is not to use the asterisk at all when searching a select list. Also, remember to turn off filtering on the field that has the external list.

Also, bear in mind that select lists filter as you type. After 3 characters the list will get more precise the more characters you type in. It is read ahead tech. So, no asterisks to muddy the process.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

投稿済み Thu, 06 Sep 2018 18:25:04 GMT 、投稿者 Keenan D

Your response was very helpful. Thank you. - I am using an SQL DB and after checking, case sesnitivity is enabled SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.  I suspect there isn't a search technique that can overcome this db setting, correct?  It looks like I'll be looking for a workaround of some kind. Glad to hear the lookup iteself isn't actually case sensitive. Thanks again.

投稿済み Fri, 07 Sep 2018 14:33:12 GMT 、投稿者 Fausto Rivera Senior Systems Analyst


I have the same thing with an external select list (MSSQL) in 6.12

I have a couple of entries that are all in caps and when users try to search for those entries at the store dialog level or at the task level they don't show up even with the asterisk wildcard. 

If they type in all in caps then they show up. 


投稿済み Fri, 07 Sep 2018 14:38:18 GMT 、投稿者 Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

That is the exception to my "generally case insensitive" statement. Select list entries in all capital letters can only be matched with an entry in capitals. Changing the select list entries to normal casing would be advised - unless there is a specific reason to leave them as all caps.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas
