Patchday November
Dear Community!
DocuWare 7.7 Update
Minor updates for DocuWare 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10 and 7.11 have been released:
DocuWare 7.8 Update
DocuWare 7.9 Update
DocuWare 7.10 Update
DocuWare 7.11 Update
Timo Becker
Specialist Software Support Team PURPLE EMEA -
Patchday November
Liebe Community!
DocuWare 7.7 Update
Es wurden Minor Updates für die DocuWare Versionen 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10 und 7.11 veröffentlicht:
DocuWare 7.8 Update
DocuWare 7.9 Update
DocuWare 7.10 Update
DocuWare 7.11 Update
Timo Becker
Specialist Software Support Team PURPLE EMEA -
Answer from DocuWare Support
DocuWare 7.7 verwendet eine eigene, mitgelieferte OpenJDK-Version von Java.
Alle separat installierten Java-Versionen werden daher von DocuWare nicht verwendet und können deinstalliert werden. -
Patchday July
Dear Community!
DocuWare 7.6 Update
Minor updates for DocuWare 7.6, 7.7, 7.9 and 7.10 have been released:
DocuWare 7.7 Update
DocuWare 7.9 Update
DocuWare 7.10 Update
Timo Becker
Specialist Software Support Team PURPLE EMEA -
Patchday Mai
Liebe Community!
DocuWare 7.9 Update
Es wurden Minor Updates für die DocuWare Versionen 7.9 und 7.10 veröffentlicht:
DocuWare 7.10 Update
Timo Becker
Specialist Software Support Team PURPLE EMEA -
Answer form DocuWare Support
This information is only visible when you store a document to a document tray.If you upload the document directly to a file cabinet or once you store the document from the document tray to a file cabinet this information is lost. -
Antwort vom DocuWare Support
Lösung des Supportfalls:
sMSA und gMSA werden derzeit von DocuWare nicht unterstützt.
Eine zukünftige Unterstützung ist im Moment nicht geplant. -
Answer from DocuWare Support
Hallo Herr Brglez,
aktuell ist es nicht möglich Dokumente, welche über ein Formular abgelegt werden zu indexieren.
Viele Grüße,
Timo Becker
Technician Software Support Team PURPLE EMEA -
Answer by DocuWare Support
Dear Ameen Nihad,
unfortunately this is currently not possible.
If you assign a store dialog to a DocuWare user the dialog will be visible everywhere in DocuWare for the user.
Best regards
Timo Becker -
Answer from DocuWare Support
Dear Florian,
when the link is inserted into the XML file the & in the URL are replaced with &
When the link is opened in the browser some URL parameters are cut off which causes the error.
The XML generation needs to be adapted.
Best regards