How can I determine which functions are available from a Workflow Task List? 

Commencing in DocuWare 7.6, it's now possible to associate a Result List with a Workflow Task List. Please refer to the following guide on how this can be done;
  1. From the File Cabinet's Dialog section, press the "+" button to create a new Result List.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the Result List settings, then click on "Configure" for Result list functions.

  3. A new window will open, displaying all functions that you can choose from. Functions checked from "In Menu" will appear in the Context Menu that is displayed when right-clicking on a workflow task.

  4. From your Workflow configuration in the Workflow Designer tool, click on the "Task list" icon on the upper right.

  5. This will open the Task list configurations, where you can specify the Result List you would like to associate with this workflow.

  6. Additionally,  hover over "Hover here to preview the result list functions" to see which functions are currently enabled.

    *NOTE: From the Mobile app, available functions are Decisions, Stamps, Index entries, Clip document, and Share.

  7. Please note that the Workflow does not have to be saved and published when changes to the Task List are made.

KBA is applicable for both Cloud and On-premise Organizations 

Comments (2)
  • Pointing out that Task List button in Workflow Desiginer helped me to add index fields from the document to the Tasks tab. Thank you!
  • This is useful. Now can functions be added 'As Buttons'?  That would be nice so users can for example Edit Index Data by selecting the button and not having to use the Right-Click method.