• One Click Indexing with copy to clipboard

    Hi Seth,

    in the viewer you could use the "Copy to Clipboard" tool. Then you can select the text on the document and it is automatically copied to the clipboard so you can reuse it in an email.

    Senior Manager Product

  • DocuWare Version 7

    Hallo Herr Egberts,

    in früheren Versionen von DocuWare gab es hin und wieder Beschwerden, dass neue Felder nicht zu den Dialogen hinzugefügt werden, deshalb haben wir uns bei der Umstellung von DocuWare Administration auf die Konfiguration dazu entschieden, sie zu allen Dialogen hinzuzufügen. Leider war dies wohl nicht für alle Benutzer die richtige Entscheidung., so dass in der Version 7 nun die neuen Felder nur noch den Standard-Dialogen hinzugefügt werden.

  • DocuWare Version 7

    Hi Jelmar,

    in older versions we had some complaints that new fields are not added to any dialogs, so we decided the other way round. It seemed that this was also not the correct way to treat new fields, so this was addressed in DocuWare version 7. New created fields are only added to the standard dialogs. You can add them manually to all other dialogs if you wish. 


  • Security issues vs. licensing

    Hi Benoit, 

    thanks for your response. 

    I understand that you have security concerns, however for security issues you should think of also locking the whole computer (with group policies after e.g. 15 minutes). Then not only DocuWare would be inaccessible but also any other application e.g. email, CRM and all other line of business applications. As also a lot of users store there password in the browser (also for DocuWare) locking the screen would result in a much higher overall security.

    For the second topic about licensing, you maybe want to explain this a little more.

  • You can also hide the annotation layer

    If you want to read the document content, but there is some annotation on top of it, you can also hide the whole annotation layer in the viewer. As there are 5 layers in the viewer you can use the small buttons with the numbers on it.

  • Forced logoff

    Hi David,

    what is the purpose of your question? Why would your users want to be logged out?




  • Maybe Autoindex can also help

    Hi Seth,

    you might just want to try Import and Autoindex. Import the files just with the filename and use Autoindex afterwards for indexing the documents.

    In this case 1 csv-file can be used for all documents. The only important part is, that you have the filename somewhere in the csv file.

  • Last access

    Hi Steve,

    you are correct in your assumption. Everytime you want to view the Last Access field (e.g. in index dialog - system entries) you have already accessed it. This means, that everytime your username will be visible.

    This system field is mostly used for some kind of deletion policies. E.g. if a document is not accessed the last 10 years (together with some other filters) the document can be deleted.



  • More complex than it looks

    Hi all,

    thank you for your questions and contribution here. We looked into this in more detail and there are some topics which have to be considered with the total pages.

    It looks like an easy thing to sort the column "Total pages" when it is displayed, but unfortunatly there are some cases where we do not know the number of pages. E.g. if you drag and drop a file to the document tray the initial number which is shown there is "1+". This will change after some time or when the document is viewed. But for some files we are not able to calculate the correct number of pages and then the total pages remain with "1+". 

    Simply ordering a list, which maybe has not the correct data, might lead to confusion. We are currently thinking about solutions to this issue.



  • Probably some workaround needed

    Hi Jason,

    unfortunatly a select list cannot access a web service. You need to have some workaround to use the values from Dynamics NAV.

    A select list can either access a text file or a database table to show the entries, so somehow you need to access the NAV database directly or copy the data from NAV to another database which can be accessed from the DocuWare system. 

    I hope this helps a little bit.

