RE: What date is displayed in the viewer?
Hi Steve, hi Joe,
this date is file specific, so if you have a document with several files, each file has its specific date.
Until version 6.12 file specific data was stored in the XML files mentioned by Joe. Since version 7.0 DocuWare stores this data in the database for newly stored documents. If you have the option "Backup index data to storage location" enabled, then this data is again in a file near the document, but with a different structure.
You can access this data with the DocuWare platform with this URL: https://[ServerURL]/DocuWare/Platform/FileCabinets/[FileCabinetGUID]/Sections?docid=[DocID]
So this would be the consistent way to get this property from DocuWare as this works across versions and also on premises and Cloud -
RE: Modul "Stempel" ausblenden
Hallo Frau Dam,
entschuldigen Sie bitte die falsche Anrede.
Vielen Dank für die genauere Beschreibung. Im Moment planen wir allerdings keine Änderung bei der Rechteverwaltung. Ein Eintrag im Kundenfeedbackforum wäre deshalb sicherlich sinnvoll, um zu sehen, wie dies andere DocuWare-Benutzer sehen.
Viele Grüße
Tobias Getz
Director Product
RE: Modul "Stempel" ausblenden
Hallo Frau Van Dam,
wie Herr Hellmann bereits geschrieben hat, sind Stempel seit Ihrer Einführung für alle Benutzer verfügbar gewesen. Da sie bisher in der DocuWare Administration einzurichten waren, war die Hürde relativ hoch, das ein normaler Benutzer sich einen Stempel einrichtet.
Der Gedanke dahinter ist, dass so jeder Benutzer sich selbst z.B. einen Unterschriftsstempel einrichten kann, auf den kein anderer Benutzer Zugriff hat.
Mich würde interessieren, warum die Benutzer die Stempelkonfiguration nicht sehen sollten. Vielleicht können Sie die Gründe hier beschreiben.
Viele Grüße
Tobias Getz
Director ProductEdit: Anrede korrigiert
RE: DW4 documents in DW7-1537798253
Yes, version 7.2 can display DocuWare 4 file formats in read only mode.
You can find this information here: http://help.docuware.com/en/#b57865t64858n91901 -
RE: Problem generating a list of index values with the API
Hi Martin,
I do not know how you want to access this, but basically it sounds like you want to have a filtered select list. With the help of the platform (REST) it would work like this:
Make a REST call for the select list to get the whole select listhttps://[server]/DocuWare/Platform/FileCabinets/[File Cabinet GUID]/Query/SelectListExpression?dialogId=[Dialog GUID]&fieldName=CONTACT
To filter the select list you have to add some body (to the REST call) with the query condition e.g.{"ValuePrefix":"","Limit":100,"Typed":true,"ExcludeExternal":true,"DialogExpression":{"Operation":"And","Condition":[{"DBName":"DOCUMENTTYPE","Value":["\"Photo\""]}]}}
I hope this makes it clearer.
RE: Search Multiple Cabinets
if you have the same field in both file cabinets, then these fields are merged in the result list. The search is based on one file cabinet, same for the result list, but the content is merged from both file cabinets. If you do not see the content from one file cabinet then the fields do not match.
Tobias Getz
Director Product -
RE: Search Multiple Cabinets
RE: what does the Append fc permission govern?
Hi Jon,
that should be the functionality of the "Append" permission. Maybe the user has another profile assigned that gives him the right anyway?
Tobias Getz
Director Product -
RE: Workflow triggered to start based on index field date range (expiration date)
Hi Philipp,
at first glance your trigger looks fine, but I would suggest that you add the conditions one by one, so you can verify which of them works in your case.
So maybe just start with the first row and make sure, that the workflow triggers. Then add the next row and try again. Maybe there is really no document that matches your condition or maybe your workflows do not trigger, which means, that you probably have to contact support.
Tobias Getz
Director Product -
RE: Workflow - Multiple Escalations, Escalation to Supervisor
You have to use substitution rules in order to automatically reassign to the next user if the first one is out of office.
In the case specifically asked here there it is not about this automatic reassignment, so the solution suggested by Simon will work.
Tobias Getz
Director Product