Result List refresh.
The issue only appeared with 6.12. The reason is that the DocuWare engine has been undergoing performance re-engineering for several releases. As is usually the case re-engineering has a habit of introducing some unwannted behavior somewhere in the chain.
There is no ability to alter the automatic refresh. It is embedded in the engine.Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas -
Changing Indexes / Deleting documents from Result list.
This issuue has been a challenging one for R&D. DocuWare refreshes the Result list whenever a change is detected. For example if you search for a specific field value get a result list, then change the value of the field you searched on (or it is a Task list etc), then DocuWare at some point will detect the change and refresh the list. This has the effect of immediately killing the background process that was either deleting or changing the documents. Most interesting is how it seems to do half each time. To correct this behavior requires some re-engineering of the back end to detect thata global change is being effected and stop the list from being refreshed and stoping the process.
Suffice to say at this point the behavior will not be resolved until at least DocuWare 7.1.Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas -
Email Notification in a workflow.
DocuWare 6.10 and above (I'm not sure about earlier versions), there is an Email Task that you can select in the workflow designer. So you can plug this task in to the workflow after the Check Cut Task and it will allow you to configure the email recipients (which can be a hard coded email address, a DocuWare user, or a global variable). Someone needs to add to the workflow design how the appropriate email address is assigned to a variable so that it can be used.Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas -
DocuWare Corporation Support availability
Please note that DocuWare Corporation will be closed on Labor Day, Monday September 3rd 2018.
Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas -
Deletion Policy.
Yes to delete all documents older than 2 months would be "Before past 2 months". You can use any Date type field in your file cabinet to test against.Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas -
Yes, the actual setting is still there but the ability to change it through the GUI is gone. Sometimes when they remove it from the GUI there is a Config file change that can be made. We are checking in to it. I agree, changing the settings file in the actual database is not for the unitiated.
If the change is still possible via a config file then it will be limited to On-Premise systems only.
In your case, if you changed the value in 6.11, I expect it would 'stick' through an upgrade.Your reason for increasing it when working with the SDK makes sense. Increasing it beyond 10,000 so a user can get a bigger result list in the web client defies logic. First the performance hit on the system would be crippling and I defy any human being to be able to digest even a result list of 10,000 hits, one page at a time.
Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas -
Result List.
At the moment with 6.12 and above the option to change the Result hot count has been removed. We are looking to see if there is a configuration file option available for On-Premise systems.Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas -
Autofill Indexes
Actually there is nothing to configure. When storing a document enter one or more index values in to the fields and then either select the context menu then select Autofill Indexes, or press Control + Alt + J.
DocuWare will then find the last document stored where the index values you entered match and fill the rest of the fields with the same data.Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americashttps://www.docuware.com/sites/default/files/forums-images/Autofill.png
License File.
Great! We knew it was the solution. I appologize for the delay in getting the file to you.As an advisory for others following this thread. Whenever you are upgrading DocuWare, you need a license file for the release you are upgrading to. Support are always happy to advise on how to obtain this file, or as circumstances dictate, provide the file via return email.
Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas -
Upgrade license error.
Don't do any of that at all. You are simply using the wrong license file. Support will send you the correct DocuWare 7 license file shortly.Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas