Veröffentlicht Mon, 11 Jun 2018 16:22:34 GMT von Michael Weingand Professional Services Manager

New install.  On-Prem.  6.12 with hotfix.

LDAP with Active Directory setup.

Select list draws from AD to select Group root node distingushed name and User root node distiguashed name.

IN Sync Setup the DocuWare Groups to LDAP groups, the drop down shows (none).


Any advise???? PLEASE!!!!!!

Veröffentlicht Mon, 11 Jun 2018 16:31:26 GMT von Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

It's a bit difficult to give advice here. Sometimes the problem is in the AD setup. Given that the groups are not showing I suspect something amiss with AD since DocuWare issues a basic LDAP query to list groups etc.
Can you open a support request so that we can look at it with you?


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Veröffentlicht Mon, 11 Jun 2018 17:36:53 GMT von Michael Weingand Professional Services Manager

Thank Phil, Will do.

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