Veröffentlicht Wed, 28 Aug 2019 20:30:20 GMT von Michael Weingand Professional Services Manager
DocuWare 7.1 on Windows 2016 Server.
My client has over 109Gbs in the C:\ProgramData\DocuWare\Temp\Platform\Chunks folder.  Why are these here and is there anything on DocuWare that needs to be setup in a config file to purge these on a regular basis.  They are all {.part} files.
Veröffentlicht Wed, 28 Aug 2019 20:33:28 GMT von Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas
Look for anti-virus software monitoring that folder. Something is stopping DocuWare from cleaning it up. You can delete the contents in the meantime.

Phil Robson
SEnior Director Client Services, Americas

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