I'm using an Autoindex to kick off a workflow, the reason is because I want the to send an email/notice when a date is within the next month but I need the system to know not to run the Workflow every time the Autoindex is run, which will be every day. The trigger conditions for the workflow are if the index entries of the document were changed and "For new documents".
If All of the following conditions before index modification is/are fulfilled
Document Type Equals Placebo
Status Does Not Equal Expiring
If All of the following conditions after index modification is/are fulfilled
Document Type Equals Placebo
Status Equals Expiring
The Autoindex appears to be working, because I leave the Status field blank when storing the document, and when I run the Autoindex, the Status field says "Expiring", which is what I've set the Autoindex to do when a date field is within the next month, but the document has no workflow history.
Any ideas as to why this workflow isn't triggering?