I am following KBA-35471 to the letter, which indicates a process to mass load the documents, for this case I want to do it on the option <by definition in the metadata file> however it always throws an error: below I refer the code and the error.
<ControlStatements xmlns="http://dev.docuware.com/Jobs/Control" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<InsertFile path="C:\Doumentos contailidad\DW2.pdf" />
<InsertFile path="C:\Doumentos contailidad\DW1.pdf" />
<FileCabinet name="CONTABILIDAD"/>
<Field dbName="EMPRESA" type="Text" value="EMPRESA DE PRUEBA NUMERO 3"/>
<Field dbName="A_O" type="Text" value="2021"/>
<Field dbName="SUBSERIE" type="Text" value="BANCOS"/>
<Field dbName="TIPO_DOCUMENTAL" type="Text" value="EGRESO"/>
What other alternative is there? I need to upload more than 20 thousand files massively with 4 indexing fields