Veröffentlicht Wed, 07 Feb 2024 13:01:06 GMT von Mélanie Mélanie

I would like to know where is stored the workflow history available from a document ? (is it stored in the database or where in the server ? or can we get the full history of all the pending task via APIs ?)

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,
Veröffentlicht Wed, 07 Feb 2024 18:42:41 GMT von Simon H. Hellmann Toshiba Tec Germany Imaging Systems GmbH IT-Consultant Document Management Solutions
Hi Mélanie, 

you can retrieve the workflow history for a single document using the following REST API call:

Greetings from Germany,
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant

Sie müssen angemeldet sein um Beiträge in den Foren zu erstellen.