Veröffentlicht Thu, 27 Jun 2024 06:34:10 GMT von Sander Helfensteijn

I did an export of a different DMS. This DMS gave me al their versioned documents as separate documents. I want to delete all the documents that aren't the highest number? Is this possible 

Metadata fields that match:

Document name (text field)
Version (text field(because the versions aren't full numbers always. could also be version B1) 

So for example:

Testdoc.pdf | V1.0
Testdoc.pdf | V2.0
Testdoc.pdf | V3.0
Testdoc.pdf | V4.0

This means that only 4.0 should exist. Others should be deleted. 

Thanks in advance
Veröffentlicht Fri, 28 Jun 2024 11:33:33 GMT von Sander Helfensteijn
Already created a support ticket for this, but if anyone have any idea. Please let me know.
Veröffentlicht Fri, 28 Jun 2024 14:37:11 GMT von Thomas Stephens Senior Systems Engineer
I've been using the Docuware API and Filecabinet Searches in Workflows for similar features. I'm thinking if you want to get all the DWDOCIDs for the documents, you could assign the DOCIDs to a keyword field to make a list, from a FileCabinet, select the DOCID, then the where statement would be something like (DMS < '4') and this returns all the DOCIDS less than a DMS of 4.

Then send the Keyword variable through a loop to delete each document.

The other option is similar but using the API to search the different values. A little to involved to explain here. but the API documentation has been expanded for 7.10. (This option only exists for DW 7.9 and above)

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